
Holiday Music Christmas and New Years

Come On Christmas by Elliott Murphy: slow-mid tempo Christmas, holiday, male singer, acoustic slide guitar, mention of Santa's iPhone & It's a Wonderful Life. "Come on Christmas, bring us some good news for heaven's sake." modern, topical

First Day by Michael Veitch  gentle tempo, male tenor, acoustic guitars, and light background vocals and strings  "first day of a new year" a motivational song about a new life in the new year. simple and effective lyrics.  

New Lang Syne by  Dean Friedman    piano, harmonica, male voice.  reflective lyric about the end up the year with observations of champagne and drinking vessels and personal growth amongst the universe, love's affections & rejections 


A Christmas Song  Jack & Lara Hicks  father & daughter singalong,  some annoying things that grown men do like snore and sing off key with a sense of humor, laughter, bells, piano and guitar

Ave Maria Aeone / Stephen Melillo  gentle soft, new age voice, like Clannad, an alto Eva Cassidy with a classical orchestra.


This Christmas  The Kings Harmonic pop rock. Elvis Costello, Smithereens-y, celestial chimes.  the theme of the song is wishing for love for your family who is so far away and for strangers that are alone. Canadian Content.