
News from friends

Dan Berggren, my radio teacher from Fredonia State, is coming out with a traditional folk record called NORTH RIVER, NORTH WOODS on Independence Day, July 4. He's made snippets of the album's songs available on his web site,

Willy Porter, who's opened quite a bit for Jethro Tull, toured with Martin Barre, and has had a number of radio hits including "Angry Words," has a new album, HOW TO ROB A BANK, which is available as of June 2 from iTunes, Amazon, and also as a CD! Be a "Porter supporter" and interview Willy--contact Chris Web at 646-688-5442 and cwebb@weaselrecords.com. Web site: www.willyporter.com

A UK friend of mine named Neil Fishwick has a web site www.stillgigging.com that is looking for upcoming writers. Neil is seeking pieces on artists who are either classic rockers or have a classic rock sound.