He has a new book in his RUMPLEVILLE CHRONICLES: Series of
Fairly Twisted Fairy Tales called THE BOMB THAT FOLLOWED ME HOME. “We’ve all heard of stray cats following kids home or a lost puppy yelping by a kitchen door for
food, but did you know that even a wayward little bomb needs some love and attention too?”
THE RUMPLEVILLE CHRONICLES IS NOT A CHILDRENS BOOK SERIES even though it has colorful illustrations by Steve Kille!!!!! The book review publication, FOREWORD’s Todd Mercer wrote, “These quick bursts of cracked brilliance, these splintered bedtime stories for grown folks, have the power to make readers laugh, and then think· Then scoff at the futility of thinking….. The Rumpleville Chronicles are sardonically elegant stuff. You can’t read just one.”
Cevin’s finishing up a documentary, THE WAR ON KIDS about how public education is leaving children behind. It will be on the film festival circuit this year. Then he starts work on editing JIM FRUM: HE WILL COME, which is the story of his adventures as a cargo cult Messiah to the people of the island of Tanna.
One of his older documentaries, A HOLE IN THE HEAD is now available for mail order as a DVD via Cevin at http://www.holeintheheadmovie.com. This film, which was created in 1998 and available through the Discovery Channel, is about “trepanation: the process of boring a hole in the skull to improve one’s mental health.” A HOLE IN THE HEAD won the Best Documentary Award at both the Atlantic City Film Festival and the Brooklyn International Film Festival. The DVD is $14.95 plus s&h.
A HOLE IN THE HEAD will also be a featured screening in the New Filmmakers Festival’s NIGHT OF FANTASY & HORROR, at the Anthology Archive, 32 Second Ave., New York City, on April 30, at 6 PM. Part of the description of this evening’s presentation includes an opportunity to “Volunteer for our live demonstration.” Admission for the night is $5.
The phone number is 212-505-5181, and the web site is http://www.newfilmmakers.com.