
Music news from friends:

John Lappen is working a new Keith Reid album, and Terry Reid is on it. Send a note to jlappen@earthlink.net .

In December 2007, I gave the Mark Freeland Award to Art Voice editor Jamie Moses at the Buffalo Backstage Music Awards. Mark was a very popular, dynamic, and super creative and off-the-wall songwriter in the Buffalo scene while I was working in radio back in 1980. He had passed on early that year, and the gentleman who sponsored the award (Ray Roehner) turned out to be in a Jethro Tull tribute band called Living with the Past. In June 2008 Living with the Past played a special show in Buffalo with former Tull bassist Dave Pegg. Living with the Past is releasing a DVD of the event, "Life's a Long Song - 40th Anniversary Tribute to Jethro Tull.” Artist Ed Unitsky is doing the DVD cover. It will be available at the http://www.universerecords.com website for $10 plus shipping. And for more information, here’s the e-mail: ray@universerecords.com