
Elliott Murphy “Old-Timer”


In celebration of turning seventy-five last March and in conjunction with his “50 years on the road” anniversary (with over forty albums and three-thousand shows all around the world), rock ‘n roll legend Elliott Murphy has released a new single "Old-Timer" on all streaming platforms.

OLD TIMER WAS inspired by Elliott’s annual “Birthday Shows” in Paris (where he has lived for the last 35 years).  As he tells it: “Last March, I received a splendid birthday blast-off during my annual sold-out two-night soiree at the fabled New Morning club in my adopted hometown of Paris and I wanted to write and perform a song especially for that momentous occasion. New Morning is my home away from home as I’ve been playing there steadily for over thirty years now (joining the ranks of such notables as Nina Simone, Miles Davis, Chet Baker and even Prince who have graced its historic stage). I was inspired to write “Old-Timer” just a week before my shows, as a kind of self-congratulatory birthday song from me to myself. It was my last song of the night, and the audience reaction was so heartwarming that I went right into my son Gaspard Murphy’s studio to record it the following week.”

The introduction to the song is an energetic acoustic guitar riff slowing down, and then the lyrics begin.  Elliott says the arrangement reflects the lyrics. “I wanted the song to represent ageing as a visceral function of slowing down so I asked my producer Gaspard to take my finger picked nylon string guitar and speed it up to warp speed at the intro and then slow it down. Just like life …”

Elliott Murphy - Vocals, Guitars

Gaspard Murphy - Moog

Produced by Gaspard Murphy

OLD-TIMER (Elliott Murphy)

When most of who you are walks behind you - And your days are growing short and passing fast

And your memory plays tricks to protect you now - Well you know … you just can’t change the past


And I say this is something to be proud of - To have done it all and lived to tell the tale

I’m a stone-cold rock and roll survivor now - An old timer who’s not taking down his sail


I’m cruising toward a hundred that’s my goal - And I’d love to take you with me heart and soul

We'll be heading round the corner - Maybe move someplace warmer - And with you I’ll never be alone


And I say this is something to be proud of - To have done it all and lived to tell the tale

I’m a stone-cold rock and roll survivor now - An old timer who’s not taking down his sail


Did I tell you about the time - When I was twenty-nine - And Paris was waiting for me


And I say this is something to be proud of - To have done it all and lived to tell the tale

I’m a stone-cold rock and roll survivor now - An old timer who’s not taking down his sail


And if I can be so bold - Let me last words be foretold - I’m telling you I just don’t feel that old

            © 2024 Elliott Murphy, All Rights Reserved (Murphyland / SACEM)